In this beginner’s class, you will learn the fundamentals of a Mysore style Ashtanga practice including the basic technique for breathing and movement (often referred to as vinyasa) as well as be guided through the initial sequence of postures. All levels of practitioners are welcome whether you are a new beginner or existing Ashtanga practitioner looking to cultivate an independent practice. Students will receive one-on-one instruction allowing them to progress at their own pace. In the beginning, please expect a shorter practice. As proficiency is gained in the postures, poses will be added one at a time to the sequence allowing the student to realize the full therapeutic benefits of the practice.
Led Primary
Every Friday, a led Primary Series class is held in the morning and evening. For both new and experienced students, led class is an important compliment to a regular Mysore practice. It’s an opportunity to ensure that each vinyasa is being learned and practiced correctly. Furthermore, surrendering to the teacher’s count and pacing, is an opportunity to increase both our internal and external strength, and our relationship with the traditional lineage. Students will be guided through the poses based on their familiarity and proficiency in the practice.
half primary
In this hour-long class, students will learn the basics of a led Ashtanga practice including breath, drishti, and proper vinyasa count. This class is suitable for beginners with previous yoga experience as well as anyone with an existing Ashtanga practice. Students will be guided through half of the poses in the Primary Series with additional instruction and modifications provided so the practice is accessible to all.
ashtanga beginners
This beginners class includes an introduction to the Ashtanga method and Mysore style of learning. Participants will be guided through the initial sequence of poses in a manner suitable for all ages and levels of physical fitness. No prior yoga experience is necessary. The class is donation based and proceeds benefit the Trini Foundation.
Intro to asHtanga
4 week series
Learn the fundamentals of the Ashtanga yoga practice in a safe and supportive environment. In this four week beginner’s course, students will learn the basic technique for breathing and movement (often referred to as vinyasa), meditative gazing (dristhi), and internal energy locks (bandha). Students will also be guided through the initial sequence of poses. The course teaches the philosophy of the Ashtanga yoga system and provides an introduction to the Mysore style of learning. Class size is limited to allow for more individual attention. Class meets once a week at a scheduled time.
For new students, the course fee also includes unlimited access to all Mysore classes.