At Ashtanga Yoga Ocean City (AYOC), we believe so deeply in the transformative nature of the Ashtanga method that we created a space solely dedicated to exploring the benefits of the practice.

With this intention, Kristin leads a community where students could learn Ashtanga yoga as it’s still traditionally taught in Mysore, India. 

Our vision has always included a desire to make the yoga practice accessible to all by creating an environment conducive to growth for different body types, identities, and experiences; including those in recovery from addiction.* We believe whether or not individuals are struggling with barriers in their asana practice or in other areas of their life, they deserve a place to feel safe and supported in their journey of self-exploration. 

The community at AYOC is built around a group of dedicated students seeking to improve their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being through the practice of Ashtanga yoga. In typical yoga classes, we often never really meet the person practicing next to us. However, at AYOC, we offer the opportunity to learn the physical practice of yoga while socializing, engaging in community outreach, and diving deeper into the other limbs of Ashtanga.

*AYOC is a partner studio with Trini Foundation - if you are in recovery and cannot afford a scholarship, apply here.

Changing the dialogue surrounding addiction

The Trini Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to helping people with substance use disorders find long-term recovery by building environments of physical, mental, and spiritual support through integrating recovery services with Ashtanga yoga and mindfulness practices. We are committed to changing the dialogue surrounding addiction and recovery - from one of isolation, to one of community and growth.